简单粗暴TensorFlow | A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow

基于Eager Execution | Based on Eager Execution

本手册是一篇精简的TensorFlow入门指导,基于TensorFlow的Eager Execution(动态图)模式,力图让具备一定机器学习及Python基础的开发者们快速上手TensorFlow。


This handbook is a concise introduction to TensorFlow based on Eager Execution mode, trying to help developers get started with TensorFlow quickly with some basic machine learning and Python knowledge.

Friendly reminder: If you find something difficult to understand in reading, please check the “Prerequisites” part of each chapter.


  • (中文)TensorFlow中文社区“简单粗暴TensorFlow”版面: https://www.tensorflowers.cn/b/48 (中文的疑问和建议请来此处,将以中文回答和讨论。欢迎使用中文的开发者们前来TensorFlow中文社区交流讨论)
  • (英文)https://github.com/snowkylin/TensorFlow-cn/releases (英文的疑问或建议可在GitHub issue中提出,会以英文回答)


GitHub: https://github.com/snowkylin/TensorFlow-cn

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